Taiwanese Riders Enjoy Zhuhai Training Course

BG Performance hosted another successful training course at the Zhuhai International Circuit on the weekend of January 5th and 6th. Nine sport bike enthusiast from Taiwan made the trip to Zhuhai and were greeted with great weather for the two day training course.

2008年1月5 ~ 6日,BG賽車中心在珠海國際賽車場成功舉辦了一期新的培訓班。9位來自臺灣的摩托車運動愛好者來到珠海,在陽光明媚的週末完成了為期兩天的培訓。

Some of the riders had previous race track experience, but for some, it was their first time on a race track. We separated them into groups according to their skill level and assigned a trainer for them.


Trainers for the weekend were Xiao Lei, last year's Chinese 150cc champion and 2008 Chinese Superbike team rider, Lin Chi Hao, Taiwan's number one, up and coming professional rider, Yi Jun Shi, a 17-year professional motorcycle racer with worldwide racing experience, and our own funny and friendly Ronny Chan, training school organizer.


The morning started with a classroom session to go over safety issues and basic riding tips, but quickly, it was time to get suited up and get out on the track for their first session. All riders mounted BG's 600cc supersport prepared race bikes and were off!


During the course of the weekend, all of the riders made great progress. Our trainers gave them tips on improving their riding styles, and they all learned a lot.


At the end of the course, all the riders were presented with our Training School Certificates and they all said they had a great time.


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    TCC Racing

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